HIV in Asia could more than double.?

The number of persons in Asia attacks of the hiv virus could do more than double at 20 million surplus the five without better government answer and more plant, informed officials coming years.

"Up to date level of the unsatisfactory answer one expects that this number to approximately 20 million in five coming years amounts" said the independent commission on aids in Asia, which is set by the common program of the United Nations over HIV/Aids or UNAids.

It gives momentarily by 8,6 million persons, who were infected in Asia with HIV.

The number of death makes the average momentarily around 500.000 annual, and financial losses in the asiatic region become on $10 billion (Dh36.7 billion) estimated, annually.

But these economic costs are intended, in order to amount also to top, the $29 billion (Dh106.4 billion) per year, if the epidemic disease is not led within the five coming years.

Late Preganancy Cause Cancer?

Late Preganancy Cause Cancer?

In 12 of the women in Great Britain develop a breast cancer. Reasons can include/understand to put at the late world, early auctions children, rules or late years of change, the Diet rich in grease, a contraception of prolonged mouth and the high alcohol entry. Question: On masses, an unloading of end or a modification in the position end to re-examine. Treatment: Surgery, chemotherapy and drugs.

One connects in three to cancers, to nourish. Alcohols: Disproportionate entry related to cancers of the opening, throat, oesophagus and the liver. Danger of increase drinking and smoking until abnormal. Featherlight foodstuff: bound to the cancer of intestine. Corpulence: bound to the chest, the blister of scratch in the older women. Prevention: To avoid being surcharge, fresh fruit, vegetables and the foodstuffs to eat much which contain vitamins and fibre. Food featherlight to reduce. The entry alcohols to moderate.

15 percent don't take proper medications

Exubera device is on the dimension of a box of glass of eye. It delivers insulin, when powders it dry which is packed in or milligram three capsules inhalier, with the lungs by the opening, in accordance with Pfizer. Of Diabetiker or that which finish smoke or recently, Exubera inhale or tax and of asthma badly should not use, known as the FDA. And of the patients should make their lungs re-examine, before they utilisentensuite drug, like in the six to 12 months distances that.

Smoking of Children Causes Cancer Death.

In four children a regular smoker is after age 15. The nicotinism causes one in three of all cancer death. The nicotinism is strongly connected with cancers of the mouth, the lip, the throat, the lungs, the Pharynx and the esophagus.

Prevention: If a smoker gives up, its risk begins to smoke relative cancers immediately to fall. After 10 years or more the ex smoker has nearly as little risk of the cancer of the lungs than Lebensnon fumeur. There is 11 million ex smoker in Great Britain. In each four children is a regular smoker of 15 years.

The nicotinism leads too on the death of completely three cancers. The nicotinism is strongly connected with cancer of the mouth, the larynx, the lip, the lung, the liver and the throat. If the smokers give up, his smoke-connected cancer risk begins to still decrease/go back. To age after 10 years or more considering the nearly niedrigereren risk of smoke of the cancer of the lungs for non fumeurs. There are 11 million former smokers in Great Britain.

Developing countries more risk of cancer.

Developing countries accounted for more than half of all cases of cancer in the world by 2020 as part of the ageing process, in accordance with medical experts. Asia, which has a majority of the world's countries in the stomach and liver cancer may represent about 58% of all cancers worldwide by the year 2020 about 65% of all cases in 2050. Growth will increase in the incidence of Forum Asia in Singapore, adding that the number of elderly in Asia is expected to grow four-fold by 2050.