Radio frequency energy that can penetrate the brain’s outer edge

The portable telephones radiate the energy of radio frequency which can penetrate the external edge of the brain, increasing questions about cancers of the head and the neck, of the tumours of brain or leukaemia.

The majority of research did not find any risk, but some studies raised questions. And while the civils servant of health of the United States require the obviousness does not show any true reason of concern, they do not give on the telephones an effect of free health final, one or the other, while waiting for long-term data on cancers of slow growth.

For the last study, the personal identification numbers assigned with each Dane with the birth allowed researchers to the people of match who started with using the portable telephones between 1982 and 1995 with discs of cancer. Among 420.000 visitors detected per 2002, there were 14.249 diagnosed cancers - less than 15.001 envisaged national rates of cancer. Nor risks increased by lucky find of study for any specific type of tumour.


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