link between excess weight and cancer of the bowel and kidney.

The nearest love which is known as there, is a proof of a relation between a prevalence and the cancer of the intestine and kidney. In addition to the increase in the danger of cancer, to become the people beleibte who have the worse disease survive rate, to perhaps develop, because, it is necessary to determine the disease with difficulty and not nongiven, until it has advanced. The nearest love requires a complete strategy, to stop the increase in Korpulenz and summary people, to maintain mass of body healthy an index between 20 and of 25.

The index is calculated, by dividing a weight in the kilogramme by a height in the adjusted measuring instruments. An illustration of more than 30 is regarded as beleibt. In addition to Gewicht-in the relation cancer upright raises also its surcharg or beleibt the advantages of suffering from diabetes, of container of heart disease and incapacity.


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