Mammography is the standard breast cancer screening test

The ultrasonics, if confirmed in a greater study, could be an effective tool for the detection early of the breast cancer. While the mammography is the test of the standard sifting of the breast cancer, the magnetic spectrum of formation of resonance or the MRI can be more effective with lesions of repèrer, in particular with the women with dense fabric of the center.

However, the technique is less effective to distinguish the inoffensive cysts and cancers, having for the result a higher number of invahissantes of biopsies. The American company of Cancer estimates that 80 percent of lesions of biopsiées of center prove to be inoffensive. It estimates that more than 200.000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with the breast cancer this year. “MRI is a very significant technique.

It finds all. The problem is him is not very specific, Barr known under the name of. The image of formation of elasticity seems to have very high specificity, Barr known under the name of.The combination from these two can be a very powerful tool in the detection of cancer.


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