Detect precancerous lesions and early cancer.

The national Consultative Committee on practices with regard to the immunization will decide on June 29 if to approve current vaccination with Gardasil. This approval is critical if a vaccine must become a level of care.

It then will belong in various states to decide if to add the vaccine to the list of others required before students can go to the schools of the state. To be opposed to the obligatory projectiles the groups of safeguarding as hearth on the family support the availability of the vaccine, but are opposed to return it forced, to say the decision to be vaccinated should depend on the parents or the guards of a child. He supports the abstinence like a better way of keeping in addition to the infection by HPV and any other STDs.

HPV assigns more than 50 percent of adults sexually active to a certain point in their lives. Cervical cancer it can roughly cause with arrangements with deaths 290.000 women in the whole world each year, including 3.700 in the United States. In the United States, the regular spots of the PAP often detect the lesions and cancer the précancéreuses ones early. The vaccine does not eliminate the need for regular shifting.


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