Panel finds potential cancer cluster in California

A previous study does not go ahead by CDC can a cause of climate for the block to find. It found the sector one living case had more raised levels of tungsten and arsenic in its blood and the urine, but there no was proof the substances, Leukämie was caused.

The newest ADN study discovered that all the 11 children with of Leukämie who were examined, had a modification in the SUOX the gene which explains to the body how one forms of Sulfitoxydase. Sulfitoxydase is an enzyme which helps Bekehrtsubstanzen normally which is called sulphites with sulphate not to enter in line of account.

The lack of this enzyme because it genetic defect can cause a death hauptsächlichprobleme and early neurological. By a comparison, 10 had the sector one healthy case children which was examined, on 24 the genetic modification.

Sulfitoxydase modifies a dubious chemical in surer. CDC civils servant said, even if the modification of the gene SUOX of the danger to of Leukämie adds, other factors must take part. Researchers did not mark these factors or the cause of Fallon of block


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