Gene is key role for breast cancer.

The gene, role key in the breast cancer plays, marked Washington, 2. December: Scientists at the University of California discovered that the gene which is responsible in the cells due for development of the cells of trunk, can play a key part in the development of the breast cancer. The known gene, city GATA-3,to be one of the best apparatuses of command of the result of human breast cancer. Maintaining in the research which concentrates glands slag, the researchers found that without GATA-3, specializes too much in the cells due to commutate less, „undifferentiated “the state which is typically competitive cancer. Cancer specialists know that breast cancer with high expression GATA-3 a good forecast to have. To become - the receiver of oestrogen of stop gut-unterschieden and other qualities of the cells of the centre due normal fold cancers. Cancers with weak expression GATA-3 fold being badly differentiated with a bad forecast. „The loss of GATA-3 and the following disturbance, this state due is perhaps to maintain what leads to the loss of the distinction during the later development of cancer, said “Hosein to Kouros-Mehr, PhD, a participant of medical course in UCSF and a control author of the new study. „This gene is a part an instruction of handbook which directs, as a cell of trunk can mature the cell normal slag and can this manner of remaining during its lifespan. To find proposes that the distinction or maturity, of the cells is a process that must be maintained actively for the lifespan of an organization, “added Kouros-Mehr. The scientific UCSF found that, as the activity of gene GATA-3 was struck outside with cells - which type the principal cell with breast cancer - in the adult mice, dairy ductal decreasing in a state less differentiated which is stamp metastatic, angriffs- cancer. The cells started unverifiable to be strongly increased and died then in the dairy air wells the gland. „We become very excited, because us now that it is not enough, so that cells of the centre, but they become cells remain a program running in their qualified state and said wandering to be perhaps held must far, “Zena with Werb, of PhD, professor and Vizestuhl von Anatomie and an older author of paper knowledge. „Peut-être should consider cancer to us, like, décamment us which cells become, if they their `homesteading `genes and then wandering, “, they lose start added. The study is published in the expenditure of of December 1 the newspapers CELL.


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